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Tourism & Travel Tech Startup focused on Digital Innovation and Sustainability. We are focused on monitoring emerging technologies to implementing them to take full advantage of next generation travel software solutions.

Who we are

we are innovating the travel sector due to the strong interaction between digital and traditional tourism.

What we are doing

Big data, artificial intelligence, chatbots are increasingly used in order to ensure the user a personalized service and maximum user experience.

Sustainability, tourism and digital innovation for ethical and authentic experiences.

According to the Italian law, Vagovia srl is an "innovative start-up with limited liability" registered in the special section of the Palermo Chamber of Commerce.

Based in Palermo (ITALY), Vagovia srl, was born as a private company in 2017, and operates with a staff of employees and collaborators with deep and direct knowledge in the different areas of expertise (20+years) provided and makes use of advanced technological supports developed internally by its IT department.

In order to offer its customers a variety of services of the best possible quality, our company has and strives to have excellent partnerships and relationships with various international organizations and suppliers around the world to meet customers' needs and expectations.


The company's goal is to serve customers with the top class online travel technology and product solutions that are surely going to turn the way of the travel company works. Giving the right value for money, by keeping the competitive prices as possible, without sacrifying quality. Sostenibilità, turismo e innovazione digitale per esperienze etiche ed autentiche.


“value for money & client satisfaction” is our main focus. Our mission is to make everything simple for our partners and customers. We aim to provide high-quality services at affordable prices and make sure they are easily available to all. We help tourism businesses unlock their full potential. We develop complete software solutions for the tourism industry assisting clients in the creation and implementation of digital business solutions.


The vision of our company is to become a leading agency in the tourism sector and to become a technology provider for innovative solutions.


Thanks to our management, we are able to provide high quality products and services to satisfy every type of need of our customers. This has allowed us to build a healthy and strong reputation for ourselves and to obtain the UNI EN 14804: 2005 and EN ISO 9001: 2015 quality certifications.

The Ecosystem of Platforms

Behind every great experience is a great system. Like all digital platforms, our company connects people, functions and systems between partners. Objective: strengthening of research and innovation capacities and dissemination of advanced technologies.

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